
Case Statement in Method - Ruby

If I have a method with a case statement like this:

def output(p1, p2, p3)
    when counts[:p1] == 5 then "P1 won this game!!"
    when counts[:p2] == 5 then "P2 won this game!"
    when win?(p1, p3) then "P3 won this round!"
    when win?(p2, p1) then "P2 won this round! You loose!"
    else "It's a tie on this round! No one wins!"

What would be the name of the case then?


Well @MatthewMatt the good thing about Ruby is it evaluates everything to Object, So at the end your case statement no matter how advanced it is, will result in a an object being passed as parameter to the prompt() procedure.

Ruby decides which result to pass as an object depending on which instruction line is executed last (at which when clause).


I never knew (passing a Case block as method parameter in ruby) should be called anything else other than ‘Case’.

Anyway @MatthewMatt it would be really interesting to know what is called (though I googled and found no reference on that).

A Parameter?!!

In that code snippet the Case block is given as Parameter, or in fact to be more specific as @jms said. The case resulting object value is used as Parameter for your prompt() method.

Though i am not quite sure, i know what you meant by that question?!

  • Should we name the Case?
    Hmm… I don’t think it can be named anything else other than “case”, as Python unfinished docs do not really call it anything specific, and I can’t see why they should.

  • The way case syntax is formatted not the way it’s passed to prompt()
    In case that’s what you meant I see your Case statement is parameter-less. Which is similar to multiple If/else statements. And it’s completely fine & supported starting from Ruby version 1.9+.

  • Resulting Value
    The case statement you presented, will always result in a String being passed as parameter to the prompt() method.

_If this doesn't help; I really which you can present more information, and maybe clarify your question/intention a bit._
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