
How to fix "Inconsistent accessibility" property type is less accessible error in C#?

hello programmers!

please sommeone can helpe me to fix this issue

this is My source code :

namespace test
  Class A
     private String x;
Class B
    private A teste;
    public A getTest
      get{return teste;}

I’m not able to run the program due to the error message of inconsistency.

this is the error message

Inconsistent accessibility: property type ‘Test.A’ is less accessible than property ‘Test.B.getTest’


it is very easy just make your class public access modifier, add public keyword infront of your class name.

Please read the OOP documents, since that’s a basic notation on OOP and C#.

The problem is as follows:

You can’t have a More-Accessible (Public) method or member in a Less-Accessible Class (Private).