how to check connection to MySQL database? And see if it’s connected or not!
That’s quite easy i guess, You can just connect the normal way to MySql Database within a try...catch
block and see if it fails or not!
here is a simple method i developed:
public bool CheckMySqlConnection(string ConnectionString)
bool failed = false;
MySqlConnection conx = null;
using (conx = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString))
/* If we reached here, that means the connection to the database was successful. */
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
// We are here that means the connection failed!
// You can handle the exception differently if you want to provide richer error handling.
// At this moment we just return "false" which means the connection failed.
return false;
Notice: that i used the using block, to make sure that the Connection is closed & disposed once done with it!
I think you can do it like this:
private void ButtonForCheck(object sender, EventArgs e) //create button for check
string serverName = address; // Address server (for local database "localhost")
string userName = name; // user name
string dbName = basename; //Name database
string port = "3306"; // Port for connection
string password = password; // Password for connection
string conStr = "server=" + serverName +
";user=" + userName +
";database=" + dbName +
";port=" + port +
";password=" + password + ";";
using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(conStr))
string sql0="SELECT @@IDENTITY"; //any request for cheking
MySqlCommand cmd0 = new MySqlCommand(sql0, con);
label11.Text = "Connection True"; // label
catch (Exception)
label11.Text = "Connection False";
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Your code always give true, because you can not use SqlConnection or MySqlConnection
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Well… @ivan.norin if it returns true
then it has successfully connected which is exactly what you mentioned in your question, otherwise if you needed some different behavior you had to specify!
Yes, your example can be used as a template,
hahahaha you just did not understand me.
With out “ExecuteScalar()
” your code always give True
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